Barry Keoghan Height and Weight

Barry Keoghan height

Barry Keoghan Height – What is Barry Keoghan height is being searched online at the moment. Barry Keoghan height has recently been updated, providing measurements in feet, inches, centimeters and meters.

Barry Keoghan Height

The curiosity surrounding Barry Keoghan's height has led to a quest for accurate information. If you're eager to learn more about Barry Keoghan height, please continue reading as we present all the relevant details.

  • Barry Keoghan height in Centimeters = 173 cm
  • Barry Keoghan height in Meters = 1.73 m
  • Barry Keoghan height in Inches = 68.11 inches
  • Barry Keoghan height in Feet = 5.68 ft

Barry Keoghan Weight

People keep searching for the weight of Barry Keoghan and are eager to find about the accurate information about the weight. Barry Keoghan weight is 72kg.

Additionally, we have made a clear table, where we have summarized all about Barry Keoghan

NameBarry Keoghan
ProfessionIrish actor
Age31 years
Date of BirthOctober 18, 1992
Height in m1.73 m
Weight72 kg
Net Worth$4 million

Barry Keoghan Height - FAQs

Who is Barry Keoghan?

Barry Keoghan is a Irish actor.

How tall is Barry Keoghan in centimeters?

Barry Keoghan height in centimeters is 173cm.

How tall is Barry Keoghan in meters?

Barry Keoghan height in centimeters is 1.73m.

How tall is Barry Keoghan in feet?

Barry Keoghan height in feet is 5.68 ft.

What was Barry Keoghan age?

Barry Keoghan is 31 years old.

Is Barry Keoghan dead or alive?

Barry Keoghan is alive.

Now you know all about Barry Keoghan height, weight, age, net worth. We assume that this information will help people understand Barry Keoghan better.

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